Posts tagged Tips
Parking Stinks in Germany - What you need to avoid

There are days like today when we are pretty sure we have the worst luck in the world. When we first arrived in Germany we parked in a handicapped spot accidentaly (when parallel parking, the sign marking it a handicapped space is on the end, not the beginning of the space) and got a speeding ticket (going 10 over the speed limit in a 30 zone we didnt realize had dropped so suddenly) because we didnt understand the way parking works here. We think we figured it out, knew where to park and where not to park. 

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Welcome to Germany! - Expat Blogs for moving to Franconia and Bavaria!

No matter if you are an experienced expat or a newcomer, you never no what to expect from a new country. New traditions, different language, crazy customs, and tempurature changes. If it wasnt for the facebook groups and bloggers who have been here for longer than I, I would have had one hell of a time adjusting!

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