30 things to do before I turn 30

My 20's are going by fast, and there is so much to do! Before I become a real "Adult", I have a few things I would like to complete, all sorts of things from the crazy to the calming. Check out my 30 before 30 list, and make your own!

  1. Run a Marathon
  2. Go bungee jumping
  3. Eat at a 5 Star worlds best restaurant
  4. Go scuba diving
  5. Learn to speak a new language
  6. Drive a cross country trip
  7. Unplug for a full week in an exotic new place
  8. Go skiing
  9. See the northern lights
  10. Fly first class
  11. Take part in a cosplay event
  12. Have a paint war
  13. Reach my ideal weight
  14. Travel to all of the Disney Parks
  15. Go to a drive in theater
  16. Watch the ball drop in Times Square
  17. Get a tattoo
  18. Climb to the top of a mountain
  19. Take a trip in a hot air balloon
  20. Be a movie extra
  21. Grow a fruit from a seed
  22. Ride a camel in the desert
  23. Learn to ballroom dance
  24. Try caviar
  25. Gamble in Vegas
  26. Get a masters degree
  27. Learn how to perform with silks
  28. Own louvivitan designer shoes
  29. Learn to drive stick
  30. Go to a Broadway play