Bavarian Cities and Towns to Visit - What to do near Nuremberg

Looking for something to do near Bavaria? Here are some towns near-by to check out on any day of the year! I have added more places! Let me know what you think!

Tip: Used Google maps to save the city centers and map a trip that hits a few in a day!

Altdorf - Only 27 km south of Nurnberg, Altdorf is an quint and historic town with gates and walls dating from the 15th century, and Burghers' houses lining the streets.


Amberg - A little farther at 64 km east of Nurnberg, has almost entirely preserved its medieval feel.  The city has an treatening circle of city walls with 4 gates, many towers and other fort protections.  One section of the old line of defence intersects the river Vils, forming two arches above the river, which gave it the nickname "Stadtbrille" or 'City Glasses,' because of the reflection in the water that looked like a pair of specticales. 

Norlingen - A quick 96kn SouthWest of Nuremberg, this city is so unique, It was built into a crater that hit the earth 15 millions years ago! Used as background in many films such as "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory", also the Danielturm is a symbol of Nördlingen because every half-an-hour, from 10pm to 12am, a cry of an old Francoinian Saying rings out "So G’sell so" which over the centuries has translated to mean ‘All’s well’.

Weiden - about an hours drive away or 113 km NorthEast of Nurnberg, You dont want to miss the original gothic parish church of St. Micheal, with its "onion shaped spire". The Rathaus with Burghers' houses from the 16th and 17th centuries as well as its surrounding Wald, where some areas are still completely untouched.

Vohenstrauss - also about an hour away or 113 km NorthEast of Nurnberg, this cities main tourist pull is Castle Friedrichsburg. Six huge towers surround the building with a high gabled roof and wall surroinding the castle.  The picturesque Rennaisance building, as well as the Fortress Leuchtenberg nearby, and the Fahrenberg mountain have perfect views to the Fichtel mountain range and the Bohemian forest.

Bayreuth - 87km from Nuremberg! Bayreuth has an important historical and cutural background having significant attractions, such as the UNESCO World Heritage Sites of the Margravial Opera House and the Eremitage, existing for over 200 years. Dont miss a chance to bring the kids to learn at The Richard Wagner Festival which is one of the most important cultural events in the entire world.

Kallmünz - about 86 km SouthEast of Nurnberg, another medieval town, the Rococo parish church of St. Micheal is where a nice view of the river Naab can be seen, and the ruins of the fortress of Kallmünz in the distance. Delightful for photographers (ME!) and painters alike.

Kipfenberg - shorter drive at 67 km southeast of Nurnberg, Kipfenberg is a romantic town with its Burg standing on a hill.  The current fortress was built in the 13th and 14th centuries, "but fell into decay, and was restored in the early 20th century."  Also nearby are what is left of the Limes, walls protecting the Roman Empire from northern invaders.

Wurzberg - Totally worth the drive of 109km from Nuremberg! Würzburg’s large places of interest are the prince bishops’ Residenz Palace, which is a beautiful example of "Mediterranean baroque architecture", and the Marienberg Citadel. Dont miss your stop at the outlet mall and even an "American" Diner!

Eichstätt - about 80 km South of Nurnberg, is overwhellmed by the imposing Willibaldsburg, which dates back to the 14th century and was later extended into a castle.  The baroque town center, former Bishop's palace, still stands, as does the 8th century cathedral, and a 4 century-old Church, and the English-style gardens of the summer residence of Prince-Bishops.

Weissenburg - A quick hop or 57 km south of Nurnberg, the  city walls have remained, "and the Ellinger Tor and the Spitaltor survive as formidable entrances to the town."  Thermal springs were used by the Romans and the design of their baths was discovered here in the 1970's.  The Rathaus and it's extensively decorated 15th century gable is also notable.

Coburg - 109km NorthWest of Nuremberg lives the town between the Upper Main Valley to the south and the Thuringian Forest to the north in "what is known as the green heart of Germany." If you are a fan of toys, you will love the several interesting museums here, as well as a doll and teddy bear market, as well as the International dolls’ Festival in Neustadt bei Coburg.

Ellingen - stroll about 53 km South of Nurember and see the castle of Ellingen, a huge baroque building, built for the Teutonic Order of Knights, that is "one of the most important castles", along with many others, built for the Order.  Napoleon forbid the order in 1809 to continue, and the building stands now as a museum.

Abenberg - an easy day trip only 32 km SouthWest of Nurnberg is a pretty little town with a walled fortress.  The fortress is first discussed in 1071, but the building dates back to 1250.  The Rennaisance and Baroque church, which houses 68 buried nuns, lying in the catacombs in Rome, and the gravestone of Countess Stilla.  Abenberg is the center for the traditional manufacture of lace tassles, with a museum only for the craft.

Roth - only 30 km South of Nurnberg, sitting on the river Regnitz, "George the Pious had the Schloss built in the 16th century."  Take a visit to the Prunksaal, a beautiful banqueting hall and part of the Heimatmuseum, as well as the Riffel-macherhaus in the market square, which has a super carved facade, which belongs to one of the areas best "timber-framed" houses.

Straubing - 154km SouthEast of Nuremberg. Straubing has an abundance of leisure activities to offer, with the traditional trotting course, the adventure pool "AQUAtherm" or their zoo with more than 1700 animals! Each year in July artists from all over the world meet in Straubing at the “Jazz an der Donau” festival which belongs to the ten most famous ones in Europe.



Thank you to the World Wide Web for the ideas of amazing places to visit!
Katie, (1/22/2011). "More Day Trips!" [Blog Posting],
Unknown Author,(Unknown Date). "Experience the magic of Bavarian Towns and Cities"
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