Questions You Need to Ask BEFORE You HIRE a Wedding Photographer

I have been in business for 5 years, officially on my own. But before that, I was doing photography all over the world, so I am pretty well-versed in all things photography. 

This list will be all the questions that you should be asking your potential wedding photographer, but I'm going to give you my DGP answers right off the bat. This is what you need to make sure your wedding photographer is legitimate!


Are they an actual business? I have my business license through Florida as a digital photographer and this makes delivering digital products/shipping out albums and gallery prints easier and insurable. While it is not entirely necessary, it is a good idea to know they are reputable and traceable. Double-check to make sure you don't need a specific license for a particular location too especially if you are getting married somewhere you are unfamiliar with.

Beach Wedding

Destination Photographer

If you are looking at hiring a destination photographer, they may need certain privileges, Depending on the place you're going to. That research, I will make sure to do myself as a destination photographer. I make sure that I am legally allowed, or all of the things are covered by the business. Do they have the ability to travel, is it all included in their business packages or is this something needing to be discussed?


Do they have the right insurance? Many venues, especially down in Miami where the venues are very high-end, very extravagant venues that ask for a very high level of coverage. As a legitimate business, I make sure that I have business insurance as well. 

Because God forbid something were to happen, unfortunately, you can't predict the future, and that's what the coverage is for. It is there as my backup. I want you to be safe and make sure that all of my ducks are in a row, so if the worst-case does happen, I'm covered.

Wedding Photographer Equipment

2nd Insurance - My Backups

You want to make sure that you have additional insurance outside of the standard version of "insurance". I make sure to utilize a second photographer or a videographer because they are, in a way, my insurance. 

In the best case, they get some awesome photos from a different location or from a different perspective. Worst case scenario, you still have photography and videography of the moments you wanted to be captured if something happens and equipment fails.

To that, I do have:

  • Extra cameras 

  • Extra batteries 

  • Extra SD cards 

  • Extra lighting equipment 

  • Extra stands 

  • Power strips 

  • Power cords 

You name it because if again something happens, I will make sure I'm prepared.

Outdoor Wedding Photos Photographer

Post Production Insurance

What about your insurance on the photography after the fact. I have all of my back ups beforehand and I also have all of the backups afterward, so if electronics do not do what we want them to do, when we want them to do it.. If something were to happen, if an SD card were to fail, if a hard drive is to get ruined, you know that I do have a backup of everything five different ways.

#1 The SD card 

#2 My computer hard drive and

# 3 and # 4 two external hard drives and 

#5 The cloud 

Technically, I have the sixth one, once your photos are delivered, you have your own Private Online Gallery. So that's the 6th backup. 

This is something you want to make sure you're asking. I don't know if all photographers are as paranoid as I am but it is something you want to make sure they have. 

Because I have heard of photographers that shoot and deliver, instead of going through the editing and backing up. They think they're just going to give you all of the photos, and that's it! It's your responsibility now if something happens, there's nothing you can do. All of the backups are now in your hands. 

Backups in Contract

Now going on with backups in my contract, I have it laid out if the worst-case happens and I'm sick I can't make it to the wedding. It is my responsibility to make sure that you're covered. 

You hired me to make sure that your marriage is photographed in the style you love. Someone you trust and with someone you know will deliver high-quality, beautiful images. If I cannot be there, I will make sure that one of my team members who I have trained and entrusted, can take care of you to the greatest extent. I will make sure that you have a team member present. I have backup plans for backup plans, and I want to make sure that you know if something happens, I will take care of you.

Wedding photographer equipment

Wedding Photographer Attire

Another question you should be asking before you hire a wedding photographer is, what are they going to wear? The number of weddings that I've been to where they show up in a mint green dress, rocking heels, running around your venue. I don't know how a wedding photographer does that. 

I'm in all-black attire to make sure that I blend into the background. I'm a vendor. I'm someone who's there to assist you. I'm not going to stand out. I'm not going to make a scene. I don’t want people to see me. I am in all black, the same as all my videographers and photographers. We are dressed to impress and be out of the way.

Wedding photography


As well, what is your photographer's education level? How did they learn photography? Or where did they learn photography? And how long have they been doing it? I have been a photographer since I was in Middle School. I can say that because I actually did take a few professional shoots in High School, fun!

I have an education by Ringling College of Art and Design in Sarasota, Florida. It's a world-renowned art college. I graduated with my bachelor's in Fine Arts Digital Imaging and manipulation and a minor in Fine Arts Sculpture. 

I know all there is to know about photography, from how to dismantle and create a camera, even darkroom photography and development. All of the types of photography from food, photography and commercial fashion photography, and everything in between. 

I have done a little bit of everything. If you have questions about a style or a manipulation or even Photoshop and what I do post-photography let me know.. There is a lot that goes on with digital manipulation, and I have the education to show for it.

Make sure you're asking all of these questions to your wedding photographer. It's the stuff that you need to make sure in advance if it’s what you're looking for. Even though you may be trying to save a little bit of money or searching for a budget option. You do want to make sure that all of your bases are covered. 

If you're looking for a wedding photographer, no matter where you're located, I will help. I do have a large team that can help too. I know quite a few other photographers in the area who would love to be of assistance, and you can trust my advice and guidance to know that they will take care of you.

Let me know if you have any questions. You can contact me or DM me on any of my socials!