Day Trip to Ansbach!


We are always looking for something to do on a Sunday, with all of the shops closed, my favorite pastime of spending money on clothes I don’t really need is out the window. Living in the heart of Bavaria has its advantages though (and benefits for my wallet of course). Drive an hour or two in any direction and you can reach a beautiful history drenched city or village with picturesque statues, medieval architecture, and mouthwatering German delicacies. One I recommend now that spring is finally upon us is Ansbach, a measly 45 minutes from Nuremberg.

The history behind it may be a little boring for non-history buffs but as it is the government capital of Middle Franconia, it is of some importance. Located right along the historic “Castle Road”, it is home to many treasures such as the magnificent residence and elaborate churches of St. John and St. Gumertus. Just walking through the tiny streets you can feel the romantic and humble feeling left from a century old margrave. The best story I have heard of this town’s ruler, Margrave Carl Williams Fredrick of Brandenburg-Ansbach, was of his attempt to please his mistress (and mother to his 4 children) who wanted a certain chimney sweep to fall off of a roof. In order to keep his mistress happy (no one cared for his actual wife), he shot the sweep off the roof with a shotgun. I must say: Impressive shooting old chap! I digress: The residence is home to a vast Orange greenhouse, lush grounds (although we visited in the winter so many of the trees and plants were bare), and a interesting tour through the 27 open staterooms still in the conditions left from Carl’s time.

Can’t get enough of the wonderful Margrave? Visit his grave across the street at the St. Gumbertus church; a unique three-spire-façade building that stands tall above the rest. When you are done paying your respects, enjoy the sculptures, shops, cafes, and sights of this beautiful little town.


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