Where should you stay on your Eurotrip?

Where to Stay - EuroTrip Series Dee Garone Photography

We are already knee deep into planning! See what we have got so far:

- Choosing your destinations - Check it out here!
- Spreadsheets galore - Check it out here!
- Planning with a Friend - Check it out here!
- Determining your budget - Here it is!
- Buying Airplane Tickets - Read More Here!
- What to Pack - Read Here!
- Trains, Planes, and Automobiles - Read More Here!
- Where to stay? Scroll Down!
- One month to go! (April 21st)
- Itinerary or wing it? (April 24th)

I am always for crowd-sourcing when it comes to traveling! Who better than those who have already traveled there before? Of course you can never trust everyone's opinion, but if the masses say its clean and friendly, chances are its just that. When it comes to choosing where to rest your head at night in a new strange city, there are a few places I look before choosing my accommodations.

TripAdvisor/Yelp/Google: Using reviews and comments from others who have already made the leap of faith is the easiest step. It really doesn't matter what website or resource you use, as long as you can weed out the good, the bad, and the ugly easily and quickly.

Airbnb: I have yet to actually stay at an Airbnb, but for a site as popular as this one, you have to think it is a great idea! We booked 3 stays with Airbnb (will make sure to let you know how it goes!) and all of the ones we booked have multiple reviews, great comments, and are in a great location! None of the locations are going to be more than 35€ a night for the 2 of us, which in some cases was cheaper than a hostel!

Hostels: Be warned, you typically get what you pay for. If you haven't stayed in a hostel yet, the best comparison is a college dorm from the movies. You share a bathroom, sleep in a room with sometimes up to 15 other people, and it is noisy! If you are on a budget, are no older than 25, and want to mingle with other travelers till 4 am, hostels are for you!

Hotel: The old reliable hotel, sometimes is the best choice. If your budget isn't very tight, and you must have the luxury of your own bathroom, a hotel is the only way to go. This is where the reviews and comments from other travelers really come into play for me! I may find an amazing deal on what is supposed to be a 4-star hotel, but when 50% or more of the reviews are negative, it isn't worth my time or money.

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