"Bored" Jar Ideas - For those times you dont know what to do!
Ever finsihed your to-do list? (HAHA yea right) Couldnt come up with something fun to do on a lazy day? Kids literally say the words "I'm Bored!"? Here is a fun and easy solution that can be used for so many different uses! Make multiple jars, make color coded ones, make one for each season. Whatever you want! Here is a list of 100 random activities for the whole family! Have smaller kids? Add more activites like: "Make a leaf pile and jump in it!", "Make a lego castle", "Make a like of all you are grateful for" etc. etc.
All you need is a Mason Jar, some colorful paper, and tons of ideas! You can of course get creative and decorate, make the ideas on popsicle sticks instead, use a bucket and not a jar, the possibilites are endless and so are the ideas and fun that will come out of it!

- Go apple picking
- Borrow a book from the library
- Make fruit leather
- Bake an apple pie
- Carve your own pumpkin
- Make toffee apples
- Set up a scavenger hunt
- Re-watch your favorite scary movie on Halloween
- Throw a Halloween party
- Make jam
- Learn to knit
- Make a halloween indoor obstacle course
- Attend harvest festival
- Go on an Autumn Nature walk
- Build a scarecrow
- Go stargazing
- Make and fly a kite
- Make jam tarts
- Dry orange slices
- Roast pumpkin seeds
- Paint pumpkins
- Make paper lanterns
- Make Halloween cakes and biscuits
- Make popcorn
- Decorate an umbrella
- Make a raincatcher
- Build an indoor fort
- Go on a number nature hunt
- Help clear leaves from the lawn
- Make a fall wreath
- Make a harvest cake
- Customise a Tshirt for halloween
- Have a tea Party
- Cut out paper snowflakes
- Make a short Film
- Make a crazy workout circut
- Make Lunch and go for a picnic
- Scrapbook 3 pages
- Go to a Museum
- Go Bowling
- Make Ice Cream
- Go for a hike
- GeoCaching
- Cupcake Decorating Contest
- Start a Garden
- Attend a local Soccer Game
- Visit a Flea Market
- Takeout and Bored Game
- Paint a Picture
- Youtube Dance Lessons
- Put together a puzzle
- Make blue print for dream house
- Bury an time capsule
- Make a Dream Catcher
- Make a gingerbread house
- Make a paper mache mask
- make a tie dye tshirt
- Explore the neighborhood by bike
- Take a cooking class
- Try a new Recipe
- Fold Origami
- Create your Family Flag
- Photograph the Alphabet hidden in your city
- Make homemade playdough
- Have a spa day
- Color in a coloring book (no matter your age!)
- Make a comic strip about your family
- Make banana bread
- Come up with 25 new “Bored” Jar ideas
- Make a pizza
- Make a Dream Board
- Make a present for someone
- Put together a Family Newsletter
- Send Snail Mail
- Organize the Pantry
- Make a Bird Feeder
- Organize your closet by color
- Start an new craft
- Sew an Article of Clothing
- Make a Tshirt Quilt
- Rearrange the livingroom
- Make a Journal
- Plan your next vacation
- Make a Bucket List
- Donate a box full of stuff to charity
- Make a custom map of your city with only your favorite places
- Read a book
- Play Tennis or Racketball
- Learn a new card game
- Make a country themed Dinner night - Dress up and Decorate too!(Indian? Japanese? American?)
- Go Camping
- Movie Marathon (Star Wars, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, etc etc)
- Go on a tour of your city - Might learn something new!
- Go swimming
- Try to break a world record (try being the key word)
- Make a new board game
- Take a pottery class
- Get all dressed up and have a funny family photoshoot
- Go to a local Fair or Festival
- Learn a new language
Have any fun ones you added to your Jar? Let me know! I am always looking for more to add!