Home Sweet Home - Beat the Homesick Blues while overseas!


Doesnt matter who you are, everyone misses home at some point in time. Maybe you miss the food, the friends and family, or maybe just the old ways. No matter what, If you follow some of these simple tips and tricks, you will be beating the blues in no time!

1. Be excited!

You are in a new city, new country, new culture, new customs! You did it! Go exploring, check out the new surroundings, enjoy the amazing around you! It may seem difficult but take a deep breath and remember what brought you here, what made you go on this adventure in the first place.

2. You are not alone.

Like I said before, everyone has been in your same boat. Be friendly and confident when meeting new people. Invite people to have coffee, or see a movie (try and look for those in english), and help distract yourself from homesick feeling.

3. Make your own memories.

When you are feeling down, what do you think about the most? I think of sitting at the dinner table with my family, holidays with those I love, even cuban food from down the road. All of the traditions that shaped my childhood make me miss home more than anything. So why not make new traditions? I am not saying forget or throw away the old ones, but you are in a new place and new time, how about a new set of fun routines to match? In Nuremberg our new tradition is picking fruits every sunday at a local farm, visiting festivals on holidays, and eating sausages! Make up your own!

4. Hold on to a bit of home.

Dont throw out all of your belongings from home! In fact hang on to some of them and keep them as a reminder of the fun memories and great times. No need to hold on to all of them, just the ones that make you smile and bring you joy. Have a HUGE momento but no room to house it? Take photos of the object(s) and make a scrapbook or album with a description and story so you can pull it out and flip through the pages to feel closer to home.

5. Set a routine.

Staying occupied and on schedule will help keep your mind off of home. Make a simple schedule that makes time for exercise, exploring, and watching a movie, but dont forget a bit of time to call or skype loved ones. 

6. Stay in touch.

With different time zones, schedules, and methods of communication, I can be difficult to coordinate. Set a designated time once or twice a week that works for everyone and stick to it. Try using WhatsApp or Viber for free international calling and video chats!

7. Plan trips back.

Have a date to look forward to! That way when you are feeling down or super home sick, you can look at the calendar and know you will be back in no time! 

8. Get moving!

Exercise isnt only good for you, but makes you happy, gives you more energy to get out and explore, and makes you look great! Get moving and check out all of the sights and places on a bike, in a canoe, on a horse, or even by foot.

9. Talk it out.

Grab a friend and go out for a cup of joe at a cafe, do your nails with a girlfriend, or skype chat with an old collegue. No matter who it is, talk about your homesickness and let it all out! Talking it out will make you feel better and maybe bring out some memories and great laughs!

Let me know if you have any more suggestions for the list! Homesickness can suck but we can try to make it easier and help you enjoy your adventures worry free 

Dee GaroneComment